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Flutter Timer App

I decided to create a timer app in Flutter. At first this seemed like a simple undertaking, but over time it became clear that it was not quite so simple after all.

The idea was to have several timer in a sequence and the ability to have sounds and also text to speech. Yes and of course multi lingual (at least English and German), not only for the speech output but also for the app itself. It must be as configurable as possible.


  • Multilingual
  • Light and dark mode, defined by user settings
  • Timers can be started, paused and restarted
  • At least three different timer in a sequence, lead time, main time and rest time.
  • The time defined by a user has to be stored permanentely
  • Output as time in minutes and seconds up to 99 minutes and 59 seconds for every timer.
  • Output with sound or speech inclusive words like „Start“, „Stop“ and so on.
  • Advanced features:
    • Timerloops
    • Speech recognition for simple commands
    • Favorites (paid feature)
    • selectable sounds for different events (paid feature)

Entry screen, first approach: